Ventura Publications
V3293: RNZAF Mustang, early checkers No.1 Auckland Squadron
RNZAF P-51D Mustang, early checkers No.1 Auckland Squadron. Full stencil set included. Like other RNZAF Mustangs, NZ2428 was received by the Aircraft Assembly Depot, Hobsonville on 27 August 1945 and placed in rubberised storage in early 1946. With others it was transported to Ardmore in February 1947 and remained there, in storage, until early 1952. NZ2428 was taken on charge by No.1 (Auckland)... RNZAF P-51D Mustang, early checkers No.1 Auckland Squadron. Full stencil set inc... -
V3292: RNZAF F4U-1 Corsairs “Donald Duck” nose art.
Four RNZAF Corsairs have been recorded wearing cartoons of an enraged Donald Duck. This 1/32nd scale decal sheet includes TWO of them. The sheet includes separate shades of blue for Donald's jacket and an orange for his limbs. The "Two Donalds" are... - NZ5262, No.30 SU, 1945 - NZ5277, No.21 Squadron, July 1945 Key words: New Zealand, RNZAF, Corsair, F4U, F4U-1, F4U-1D. Pacific Theatre Four RNZAF Corsairs have been recorded wearing cartoons of an enraged Donald Duc... -
V3291: RNZAF Grumman TBF-1C Avengers #2
1/32nd scale decal sheet. RNZAF Grumman TBF-1C Avengers #2, No.30 and No.31 Squadrons, Pacific Theatre, 1944 NZ2522 TBF-1C, No.30 and 31 Squadron. “winged kiwi” TBF-1C, No.30 Squadron. “Donald Duck” Grumman TBF-1C Avenger with “Donald Duck” nose art. The serial NZ2529 is provisional. Our decal sheet depicts the aircraft as operated in the war zone. No.30 and 31 Squadron. On 26 January... 1/32nd scale decal sheet. RNZAF Grumman TBF-1C Avengers #2, No.30 and No.31 Squ... -
V3288. Light Grey 8” serials in 1/32nd scale. 12" 1/48th
Two 120mm X 200mm sheets are included with a wide variety of LIGHT GREY 8” serial letters and numbers as used on British, Australian, American and other allied air forces. These also scale out as 12 inches in 1/48th and 18 inches in 1/72nd scale. Key words. codes, serials Two 120mm X 200mm sheets are included with a wide variety of LIGHT GREY 8” ser... -
V3285. RNZAF P-40Ns, “Gloria Lyons” and “Leslie” V3285. RNZAF P-
- P-40N NZ3220 “Gloria Lyons” late 1944. NZ3220 was the third “Gloria Lyons”, marked P-40. Both variations of “Gloria Lyons” artwork worn by NZ3220 are provided. - P-40N NZ3259 “Leslie” June 1944. NZ3259 “L”, “Leslie”, was maintained by No.2 Servicing Unit between May and June 1944. It was the highest serial number RNZAF P-40 to see combat in the Pacific. The naming of... - P-40N NZ3220 “Gloria Lyons” late 1944. NZ3220 was the third “Gloria Lyon... -
V3283. P-40s. RAAF and Nationalist Chinese
Curtiss P-40s. American Volunteer Group P-40N and RAAF P-40M and Ns. P-40N P-11461 “Boss’s Hoss”, August 1944 This aircraft was flown by Lt. Colonel Reed, CO of the 7th FS, 3rd FG Composite Wing at Liangshan, China in August 1944. Reed finished the war with nine victories. Actress Ann Sheridan signed her name on the nose of Boss’s Hoss and this is included as a decal. P-40M A29-325, No.86... Curtiss P-40s. American Volunteer Group P-40N and RAAF P-40M and Ns. P-40N P-114... -
V3282: RNZAF Corsairs, No.23 “Ghost Squadron” & No.14 in Japan
Two options F4U-1D Corsair NZ5485, Los Negros, August 1945 This aircraft is named ‘Kohimarama IX’ (after a suburb of Auckland). Beneath the name is a green maori tiki. This aircraft was operated by No.23 Squadron “The Ghosts”. Residents near their Ardmore training base said they could not actually see the pilots in their big Corsairs – they appeared to be flown by ghosts. FG-1D Corsair... Two options F4U-1D Corsair NZ5485, Los Negros, August 1945 This aircraft is nam... -
V3281. RNZAF Harvard, "kiwi" roundels
RNZAF Harvard 1/32nd scale. Kiwi roundels. Red Checkers aerobatics team. NZ1076, Mainplane Grey and International Orange scheme, "Kiwi" roundels. May be modelled with or without Red Checker aerobatics team cowlings. RNZAF Harvard 1/32nd scale. Kiwi roundels. Red Checkers aerobatics team. NZ1076,...