• V48116: RNZAF Mustangs, No.4 Otago Squadron + Isabel III
  • V48116: RNZAF Mustangs, No.4 Otago Squadron + Isabel III
  • V48116: RNZAF Mustangs, No.4 Otago Squadron + Isabel III
RNZAF P-51D Mustangs, No.4 Otago Squadron. Plus personal markings for Jack Cleland's Isabel III

NZ2426 of No.4 (Otago) Squadron, 1955. Note the blue radio mast and spinner cap. NB. The checker board decals included for this aircraft may also be used on Harvard trainers (See back page). The Mustangs require one fewer column of checks. Slice off the excess checks from decal when building NZ2426.

NZ2429 of No.4 (Otago) Squadron. This aircraft was given a unique set of markings with the blue and yellow chevrons fore and aft of the fuselage roundel. The fuselage roundels were also slightly smaller than most and the wing roundels were applied from scratch at 36 inches in diameter.

This decal sheet includes Flight Lieutenant Jack Cleland’s personal makings for P-51D-5 Mustang ‘B6-V’. This aircraft was flown by Cleland on the Frantic V shuttle mission via Russia. It was coded ‘B6-B’ at the time with the “V” code letter applied later for the remainder of Cleland’s time with the 363rd Fighter Squadron.

Key words; New Zealand, RNZAF, P-51, P-51D, Checkerboards, TAF Territorial Air Force

V48116: RNZAF Mustangs, No.4 Otago Squadron + Isabel III

RNZAF P-51D Mustangs, No.4 Otago Squadron. Plus personal markings for Jack Cleland's Isabel III NZ2426 of No.4 (Otago) Squadron, 1955. Note the blue radio mast and spinner cap. NB. The checker board decals included for this aircraft may also be used on Harvard trainers (See back page). The Mu...
  • Manufactured by: Ventura Publications
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